What action(s) would you like to see one or more of the following groups or entities take to address changes in our climate? (You & Your Family; Your Community; Area Businesses; Local Government; State Government; Federal Government)
Local government: local ordinances to address building codes to enforce energy efficiency & to support renewable energy; State government: implement carbon tax, continue & increase renewable energy standards; Federal government: implement carbon tax & household dividend legislation
Area businesses would like to see that they are trying to amend themselves
I would like to see our community / local and state government develop our public transportation system further. I would like to see individuals and communities eat more local produce and buy more local goods.
You & Your Family: Recycle More! Use public transportation more often. State Government: Offer incentives to businesses in state to research and implement methods to reduce carbon emissions.
My family and I have made major changes such as eating 90% less meat than we used to, also stopped buying / using plastic, and have reduced driving by about 30%. I think the federal government should spend more time educating the minorities and especially women to increase awareness and help educate children and nations through young mothers.
I’d like to use less disposable / packaged food products. I’d hope businesses would invest in renewable energy sources and convert their businesses to run on these sources.
More localized food sources, education, co-op groceries
Have grade schools throughout state include curriculum & education on climate change, causes, efforts to mitigate, etc.
More teaching of practical life concerns in elementary and high school, i.e. more environmental / life science education at early ages; Remove pharmaceutical advertising from television / consumer audiences
I would like to see all governments take action, starting at local government
Federal governments: cap & trade, regulation, subsidies to burn fossil fuels cleaner, subsidies to create new power sources. Local: recycling, conservation, investments. Residents: Energy conscious
Federal government: First, come to a consensus that global warming is a great concern, & then take lead in finding more efficient ways to use energy & find solutions in funding alternative energy sources, as well as educate the people. State & Local government should also work to educate public & initiate incentives for conserving energy.
Recognize it as a serious problem that, like mold in your home and disease in your body, will always only get worse when it is left untreated.
Businesses, corporations, to invest in green energy
More events, media coverage showing “pristine” viewpoints, and educate the youth (making issues “fun” is a problem)
Pay attention to health warnings in severe weather
The process begins at home. The state has a responsibility to protect its citizens.
Area TV network coverage; children being taught in school about inclement weather events; information and programs offered from state wide energy companies to refocus our attention and keep us aware
Area businesses: Businesses should take the lead. Realize that being green is morally and economically sensible. Government: I think governments at all levels have the resources and power to invest in climate change initiatives – MN government should invest heavily in this issue (education, green initiatives)
Federal government: enact a carbon fee & dividend. State government: carbon fee & dividend. Local: community solar, energy efficiency, mass transit
Local & federal government. More real actions towards solving of the problems related to the climate change.
I would like to see state governments implement better information about climate change in the core classes. I learned about climate change in my senior year of high school and it really opened my eyes. AP environmental science paved my path for the future.
If want to be proactive with climate change then it’s going to have to come at the federal level, they have to either force or incentivize people to be more environmentally friendly. If we make it economically viable, people will follow.